onsdag den 29. juli 2009

Camera Tests - How to test a new digital Camera

This article is a small guide for doing Camera Tests.

Like any other product, that you purchase - when you first buy a new digital camera, take it for a testdrive and do make sure, that everything on the camera is functioning correctly. Do not accept any errors related to your product, if its not working properly, get an exchange.

Good customer-policy is, to let you bring in the camera, without any penalty for up to two or four weeks after purchase date.

When the purchase date limit has passed on, and you are having trouble, get to your authorized camera dealer and have that camera fixed on a guarantee.

It most likely, that to test a digital camera, go use it. When you do one or several camera tests, you should shoot all kind of subjects - also in and out, flash on and off, low light and so on.

If your Camera has a LCD display, make sure all pixels are functioning.

If the test doesn´t seem to work well and the camera doesn´t seem as it was, when you unwrapped it and tried it for the first time, try to RESET IT. Hitting the reset button means, that the camera is returning to factory default and you can hopefully start over again and learn your way around the new camera.

If your camera exhibits one or more of the following issues, go exchange it !!

A) Hot pixels
B) Light drop
C) Fringing
D) Vignetting
E) Corner softness

Never stay satisfied with a bad product.

Good look on your photos and camera testing.

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